ASGM is a major cause of mercury releases and environmental pollution. The propensity for water transport of mercury, its chemical transformation and bioaccumulation, and its potential transport in transboundary rivers and aquifers, makes it a threat not only to the health of miners and of ecosystems at the local level, but also to the environmental health of the global community. Currently, ASGM is one of the largest anthropogenic sources of mercury emission to the environment. UNIDO estimates that nearly 100% of all mercury used in ASGM is released into the environment. Releases are estimated at an average of 1000 tonnes of mercury per year.
Due to UNIDO’s experience and strong presence in this sector it was designated as the co-lead, for the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining area of the Global Mercury Partnership. It shares this lead with the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC), an NGO based in Washington DC, USA.
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