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400 Trade Center, Suite 5900, Woburn, MA 01801
Stamp Program Objectives

In order to address the global mercury problem, Aladdin has developed the Strategic Abatement of Mercury and Poverty (STAMP) program. This program is designed to induce artisanal and all mercury mining users to adopt Aladdin's highly efficient mining technologies. The fundamental strategy looks to illustrate the economic advantages of HGP to the miners. Although being able to provide a safe work environment , safety benefits alone are not sufficient to convince indigent miners to abandon mercury processing. Ultimately, the success of the program must rely on its ability to provide the miners with a greater level of income than what they are able to derive when using mercury. The broad objectives of the STAMP Program are as follows:
1. Employ as many artisanal miners as is possible while maintaining the economical integrity of the program.
2. Work to eliminate the use of mercury when extracting gold in the customary artisanal alluvial concentrates and hard rock deposit areas.
3. Increase artisanal miner wages above the national average and provide bonuses based on gold revenues.
4. Create new employment opportunities and provide training for higher paid jobs in the trades, management, administration, accounting, mining, geology, process engineering, and attendant disciplines.
5. Provide a humanitarian fund to benefit the miners and their families.
6. Convert sites to farming land or forestry after gold is depleted from the properties.
7. Attract artisanal miners to proven gold reserves set aside by large scale mining companies and / or the government.
8. Make a profit for all stakeholders

Aladdin's Pledge To Social Responsibility

Aladdin's Pledge To Social Responsibility

Aladdin Technologies Inc. is dedicated to bringing environmentally friendly processes to host countries so that mineral wealth can be extracted in a way that does not endanger local ecosystems or the health of native people. This interest - coupled with a commitment to mutual respect and a close involvement with all stakeholders - is behind the company's drive to help the government and citizens of countries achieve maximum benefit from their mineral resources. We also recognize that shareholder interests are best served when - based on our ethical treatment of indigenous people and sensitivity to environmental issues - countries actively seek out business relationships with the company.

Social responsibility is not simply an abstract concept, but rather, a realistic moral command and business strategy. Aladdin will do whatever is reasonable to help the communities of people around the world with which it interacts. Therefore, to disregard the tenants of mutual respect and fair trade would not only be morally corrupt, but it could also damage shareholder value in company mineral endeavors. Aladdin endeavors to be a leader in the way in which it brings obligations of social responsibility to its business enterprises.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Maybe the LBMA Will Eventually lobby To Outlaw Mercury And Cyanide As Well

Originally posted by Ozark
Beginning January 1, 2012, all listed LBMA Good Delivery Gold Refiners will be required to comply with the LBMA’s new Responsible Gold Guidance, says the London Bullion Metals Association.
This new guidance is aimed at fighting serious abuses of human rights, avoiding contributing to conflict, to comply with high standards of anti-money laundering and to combat terrorist financing, the company says.

“The LBMA’s new requirements will strengthen and enhance Good Deliver refiners’ existing high standards of supply chain regulation, corporate responsibility and anti-money laundering programs,” says Stewart Murray, chief executive of the LBMA. “The LBMA Guidance will give clients further confidence that gold produced by LBMA Good Deliver Refiners is conflict free.”

Good Delivery listed refiners were sent a copy of the new guidance draft in September and will be consulted by the LBMA before a final version is issued. The final version will take into account rules announced by the SEC as well as the OECD guidance on gold supply chains, the LBMA says.

“The LBMA is taking this leading role in supply chain regulation in order to support the work of the OECD as well as its refiners,” says David Gornall, chairman of LBMA. “The LBMA is ideally placed to oversee the implementation and adherence to these requirements due to its unique relationship with international gold refiners thanks to the LBMA Good Delivery accreditation system.”

The LBMA Good Delivery List is consists of leading global gold and silver refiners which are required to meet the LBMA’s accreditation standards.

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