he new reality TV series "Bamazon," on the History Channel, along with already established shows like "Gold Rush" and "Jungle Gold," have elevated the global mining bonanza into living-room entertainment. Each focuses on a different group of Americans seeking their fortune in distant, ostensibly dangerous locales: "Bamazon" in Guyana, "Gold Rush" in Alaska and Guyana, and "Jungle Gold" in Ghana. But while these shows claim to depict "reality," they gloss over the most awful truths of gold mining, particularly as it is practiced in the tropics.
It is estimated that up to a fourth of global gold production now originates not from licensed, regulated and monitored mines, but from often illegal, unregulated artisanal, or informal, mines - much like those dramatized in these series. In South America, artisanal gold production, which churns out nearly 450,000 pounds of gold a year, involves millions of people - about four miners and support labor per pound.
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